[kronolith] Problem sync with kronolith/sunbird/iCal

Marc Carmier marc.carmier at carmier.org
Mon Aug 7 13:18:52 PDT 2006

Jan Schneider a écrit :
> Zitat von Marc Carmier <marc.carmier at carmier.org>:
>> I've installed horde/kronolith stable with cvs (FRAMEWORK3 tagset).  
>> I'd like to be able to synchronize the mac/pc calendar applications  
>> with kronolith.
>> After lots of googling, I've found that I must use the adress :
>> https://myserver.mydomain/horde/rpc.php/kronolith/myloginname.ics
> No idea where you have this from, but it's wrong.
I found this in (I was thinking it was the archive of mailling-list !) :

> You can only have read access to calendars with external applications 
> at the moment. You can see the subscription urls in "My Calendars".
It doesn't respond to my needs, maybe I can take the problem 
differently, can kronolith use ical file on a webdav server ?

Marc Carmier

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