[kronolith] Bug in Kronolith Head

Muskingum Web Manager webmgr at muskingum.edu
Tue Oct 31 07:59:05 PST 2006

There's a  bug in the /kronolith/templates/panel.inc file that prevents the
Save button from displaying. Specifically, the <noscript> tag needs to be
removed. I have also opted to copy the Save button code to the top of the
form for those of us who have to cope with really long panel lists.

The modified file is attached (based on the 10-30-2006 KRONOLITH-HEAD file).

Having the save button also helps accommodate a strange issue with the panel
in IE... the panel works, but it requires an extra click to trigger the
event. I'm not sure if it's IE being stupid (very likely), or if it's a
minor bug in the code.

Aaron M. Hall
Muskingum College Web Coordinator
"Some people wish it could happen,
Some people think it will happen,
Others make it happen."

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Url : http://lists.horde.org/archives/kronolith/attachments/20061031/56ed6ea1/panel.obj

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