[kronolith] reminders and STMP/AUTH

Martin Waschbüsch martin at waschbuesch.de
Mon Feb 25 03:52:27 UTC 2008

Hi Jan,

Am 25.02.2008 um 01:42 schrieb Jan Schneider:
> Zitat von Martin Waschbüsch <martin at waschbuesch.de>:
>> Also I found a 'not-a-bug' ticket on horde.org, that I wrote a  
>> comment
>> to. But, this being marked as not a bug, I wanted to ask whether
>> anyone on the list has the same problem and has come up with a
>> solution? Or is this being changed in a future release perhaps?
> No. How should we know the users' passwords?
> Jan.

Hm, perhaps I misinterpret or misunderstand something?
What I do now is set the SMTP/AUTH setting to CRAM-MD5 and leave  
username and password open.
Because that works as far as headers and sending mail is concerned, I  
sort of assumed it meant that horde was using the same username/ 
password as provided on login.

But of course you are right, a local script on the server cannot have  
a list of usernames/passwords in order to do SMTP/AUTH.
So, the question is rather why the reminder script has to use the same  
method for sending mail as each individual user. Reminders could just  
come from one specified sender having his own username/password. We  
specify the address to use for reminders in horde anyway, so why not  
add the possibility to set the corresponding username/password?

Or am I missing something obvious again? ;-)


"What a fool believes he sees, no wise man has the power to reason  

Doobie Brothers

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