[kronolith] reminders and STMP/AUTH

Martin Waschbüsch martin at waschbuesch.de
Mon Feb 25 21:49:35 UTC 2008


Adapted horde/kronolith/config/conf.xml to provide an additional  
configuration option that allows users to specify a completely  
independent SMTP user to send reminders from.

Also changed horde/kronolith/lib/Scheduler/kronolith.php so that the  
system will check whether this option is set. reminders will only be  
carried out if this is set OR if another valid option under horde- 
 >mailer config is set.
setting horde->mailer to use SMTP/AUTH and not providing username/ 
password will still result in the message that horde cannot support  

Works for me, but is probably still a bit quick&dirty...

See attached .diffs


Am 25.02.2008 um 10:02 schrieb Jan Schneider:

> Zitat von Martin Waschbüsch <martin at waschbuesch.de>:
>> So, the question is rather why the reminder script has to use the  
>> same
>> method for sending mail as each individual user. Reminders could just
>> come from one specified sender having his own username/password. We
>> specify the address to use for reminders in horde anyway, so why not
>> add the possibility to set the corresponding username/password?
> Patch?
> Jan.
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