[kronolith] Large User Base question

Steve Devine sd at msu.edu
Tue Feb 26 18:54:17 UTC 2008

Andrew Morgan wrote:
> On Tue, 26 Feb 2008, Steve Devine wrote:
>> We are considering Horde as our new mail / calendar application. I am
>> doing some preliminary work pricing out some hardware.  I would like
>> to know from those that support calendaring for 40,000 plus accounts
>> what your database servers are like.
>> We will be using Mysql and will replicate between two machines.  One
>> thing I wonder about is storage how much do I need to plan on.
> We run Horde with IMP, Kronolith, Turba, Mnemo, and Nag.  In theory we
> have around 35,000 possible users (all students plus staff).  I think
> about 20,000 people actually use Webmail.
> We have a single MySQL server that is used for Horde plus a few very
> small databases.  It is a Sun x4100 server with two dual-core 2.4GHz
> Opterons, 8GB of RAM, and built-in RAID 1 mirroring of the internal
> drives.
> This server also runs memcached for the Horde sessions cache, which is
> a major performance improvement over storing the sessions in MySQL.
This brings up another question. I tried memcached but was unable to get
it to work and had to fall back on storing sessions in mysql.
Is there a how to on implementing memcached in Horde somewhere? I did
some searching but no luck so far.
>   MySQL has achieved a peak performance of over 800 queries per second
> on this server (not sure what the maximum actually is).

> Our entire Horde database in MySQL is about 180MB.  If our usage
> patterns are similar to yours, then storage shouldn't be a big deal.
Good to know thanks.

>     Andy


Steve Devine
Email & Storage
Academic Computing & Network Services
Michigan State University

313 Computer Center
East Lansing, MI 48824-1042

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- Yogi Berra 

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