[kronolith] edit remote ics with sunbird/lightning

Diego D'Angelo diego at gnux.com.ar
Fri Mar 14 19:59:13 UTC 2008

Hello, here is my first post/question.
I want to edit remote calendar with sunbird

i use kronolith 2.1 in debian etch
i installed everything ok about requeriments in the wiki : 

i have apache2 with php5

i can connect to the remote calendar with no problem, it show me the 
calendar in sunbird ok, but when i edit it and then i try to publish it, 
it hasn't do anything, in the logs of apache and horde i don't find 
errors and the kronolith don't update...

to publish i try to put the url :


here, show me a webdav login, i put my user/passwd and then click in 
Result : nothing...no errors, no update...

something i missing

somebody can help me?

i'm in the dark :)

sorry for my english

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