[kronolith] documentation for editing over webdav/caldav with sunbird/lightning

Elliot Anders elliot at marlboro.edu
Fri Mar 21 14:41:28 UTC 2008

First the question:
what address should one use to connect via CalDAV to kronolith  
calendars with Sunbird?  The "subscribe to this calendar..." url  
doesn't work correctly.

I've been trying to connect and edit a Kronolith calendar with Sunbird  
over CalDAV.  Thus far I've been unable to discover the address I  
should use to connect.
I've been successful with setting the remote calendar type to  
iCalendar in Sunbird and using:

but this only provides a read-only version.

I found this document (http://wiki.horde.org/KronolithSunbird) that  
said I should use the publish calendar option to save my changes to:
but those changes didn't take.

I'd be happy to write documentation for this and perhaps post it here: http://wiki.horde.org/ExternalClientsHowTo 
  if I can ever get it working.

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