[kronolith] Lightning publishing doesn't work with Webmail Edition 1.1 RC3

Hauke Mehrtens horde at hauke-m.de
Sat Apr 5 13:05:03 UTC 2008


I have set up Horde Groupware Webmail Edition 1.1 RC3 with Horde:
3.2-RC3 and Kronolith: H3 (2.2-RC2) on a Debia Etch Server with
Lighttpd, PHP 5.2.0 and HTTP_WebDAV_Server 1.0.0RC4 beta.

Getting the calendar with Mozilla Lightning 0.7 in Mozilla Thunderbird works very well, but I can't publish anything. When trying to
publish anything through Lightning I get the following error message:

Publishing the calendar file failed
Status code: 501: Not Implemented

I used Wireshark to look what's going on the line and I saw that the
webserver is sending a 501 to the client.

I used iCalendar in Lighting and I have test to use SSL and non SSL

Thank you for your support.

Hauke Mehrtens

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