[kronolith] Some issues with attendees and Lightning

Alfonso Marí­n Marí­n almarin at um.es
Mon May 5 07:20:15 UTC 2008

Jan Schneider escribió:
> Zitat von Alfonso Marín Marín <almarin at um.es>:
>>> Generally yes, but we would need a separate organizer field in the
>>> Kronolith table for that, because the creator_id is not necessarily
>>> the same like the event organizer or even the event owner.
>> Yes, I know that, I had a good talk about that with Chuck. As far as I
>> know, there is no support for organizer in Kronolith (only creator and
>> as you said, they are different concepts).  ¿Are you planning to do that
>> enhancement soon?  ¿It will be available in version 2.2? ¿or maybe
>> later? ¿or maybe never?
> Who knows. :) But a patch would definitely speed it up.
Wow!, and what a patch!. Ok, I'm very motivated to do that patches, 
because for us making Lightning working with Kronolith is a big deal, 
since accepting invitations from Kronolith needs iTIP support in mail 
clients, but we don't want local calendars, only calendars mapped to 
Kronolith, in order to get FreeBusy information centralized. Some of our 
users uses IMP and they don't have any problem, but others uses 
Thunderbird accessing POP3, and they erase the mails from server (so 
they don't have the chance to go to IMP and accept the invitation 
because invitations has gone).

But I think a full organizer support needs modifications in a lot of 
files and a lot of parts of Kronolith. If you don't mind, I can open a 
ticket to track this, listing all modifications, ordering which one 
would be the most important, and as I said, I think I can manage to make 
it work.

Best regards.

> Jan.

Alfonso Marín Marín
Sección de Telemática - ATICA
Universidad de Murcia
Tlf: 968 39 8742

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