[kronolith] Fwd: Re: how to re: Added calendar widgets embeddable into external websites

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Wed Oct 1 19:55:25 UTC 2008

Quoting Michael Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>:

> There are a few reasons for this. The original (sponsored) spec for  
> this was to wrap the display of the calendar blocks for embedding on  
> an external site. These are the same blocks that can be added to  
> Horde's portal page.  The second issue is that to have navigation  
> within the widget, besides not being able to use the same block  
> code, would require ajax calls to the horde server which is  
> impossible across domains. (Well, not impossible, as the ajax issue  
> could possibly be solved by using an iFrame).

No need for an iframe - jsonrpc, which we already support in the Horde  
API, should be able to do this.


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