[kronolith] Fwd: separate Kronolith database

Michael Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Fri Feb 20 15:06:17 UTC 2009

Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:

> Please keep discussion on the list.
> ----- Forwarded message from Stepan Kadlec <skadlec at centrum.cz> -----
>    Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2009 13:58:07 +0100
>    From: Stepan Kadlec <skadlec at centrum.cz>
> Subject: Re: [kronolith] separate Kronolith database
>      To: chuck at horde.org
> ______________________________________________________________
>> Od: chuck at horde.org
>> Komu: kronolith at lists.horde.org
>> Datum: 20.02.2009 13:45
>> P?edm?t: Re: [kronolith] separate Kronolith database
>> Quoting Stepan Kadlec <skadlec at centrum.cz>:
>>> I want to use different database for Kronolith than for the rest of
>>> Horde. I set it up in Kronolith config, but it seems it is used only
>>> for the calendar events and not for the other tables - they are still
>>> stored in the same database like the main horde.
>> Which other tables?
> | kronolith_shares          |
> | kronolith_shares_groups   |
> | kronolith_shares_seq      |
> | kronolith_shares_users    |
> | kronolith_storage         |
> I have two horde systems and want them to use same calendars,  
> problem is, that calendar sharing between the users is made by the  
> kronolith_shares* tables and they are used always from the horde  
> setup even if I configure independent database for Kronolith :-(.

How are you specifying the new database to use in Kronolith?  The  
kronolith_shares* tables are managed by
the Horde_Share SQL driver - which at the moment relies on the  
$GLOBAL[conf][sql] entries.  I think what the major problem is, is  
that even if you change the value of the global config right before  
the shares are created, the shares are cached. When the shares wake up  
(__wakeup()), the _connect() method is called again to set up the db  
connection, and whatever value of conf[sql] is currently in place  
would be used. Plus there's the issue of having the same share object  
cached on two different servers - I'm not sure what kind of issues  
that might cause.

<discliamer>You could *try* to change these values to your needed  
values right before the share object is created in  
kronolith/lib/base.php, but I have no idea if this would work as  
expected, corrupt anything or screw anything else up.  Also, if your  
sharing this data between different Horde installs, the usernames and  
groups would have to be identical.</disclaimer>


The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org

"Time just hates me. That's why it made me an adult." - Josh Joplin

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