[kronolith] CalDav in Kronolith

Paul van der Vlis paul at vandervlis.nl
Wed Mar 25 10:27:24 UTC 2009

Elliot Anders schreef:
> I know CalDav server support is in the works for the next version of
> Kronolith.  Can anyone provide an update on how that process is going? 
> The Roadmap page makes it look like it's still in the early stages.
> Any chance throwing money at the project might speed it up?  If so, how
> much?
> Also, according to the roadmap it looks like some parts might already be
> implemented, is that something that could be checked out from a csv
> repository somewhere to play with?
> Thanks again for all you're hard work.

I have offered to pay max. 1500 euro for Caldav server support, that was
in Februar 2008. Jan Schneider told me it would be ready at least at the
end of the year. He asked two other people to do the real work. One of
them stopped with the work, the other (Ben Klang) was not ready at the
end of the year. I tried to reach Ben but first he was in holliday and
then his mail did not work. I have never had contact with Ben, only with
Jan. Jan told me Ben was very busy in a new fulltime job. You can
understand I am a bit frustrated about it.

Another point is the fact that Jan told me that it must be ready very
fast, otherways there was no way to get it into Kronolith 2.x. For me
Kronolith 3 is not a good option at the moment, because there are no
Debian packages. I administer many little organisations, doing
(security) updates by hand is much work.

With regards,
Paul van der Vlis.


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