[kronolith] Reminders when offline.

Robert McAuley rmcauley at ca.afilias.info
Thu Jan 28 21:34:04 UTC 2010

You must enable the scripts/alarms.php cron.

- Rob

On 01/28/2010 01:18 PM, terry at cnysupport.com wrote:
> Unless I'm just missing it, kronolith seems to be missing the ability to
> send email reminders of upcoming events to multiple devices (email,
> phone, etc), when the user is offline.
> If this is actually hiding in there somewhere, I'd appreciate a pointer
> to it. If not, I'll be writing one, so it will be there soon. 8-)
> Thanks,
> Terry
> --
> Terry Carmen
> CNY Support, LLC
> http://www.cnysupport.com
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