[kronolith] Permissions

Paul van der Vlis paul at vandervlis.nl
Wed Nov 10 17:06:35 UTC 2010

Michael J.Rubinsky schreef:
> Quoting Paul van der Vlis <paul at vandervlis.nl>:
>> Hello,
>> I try to give an user permission to write to a shared calendar, but I
>> don't understand how to do that.
>> In "select a user to add" I cannot select any user...
>> I am using Kronolith 2.2 from Debian stable.
> If your auth backend does not support listing users, 

I use Cyrus IMAP, not sure if it can list users.

> you would have to
> manually type in the username you want to assign permissions to.

I don't see a way to type a username. How can I do that?

Thanks for your support!

With regards,
Paul van der Vlis.


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