[kronolith] Clarification on how permissions work on shared calendars

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Jun 1 17:43:10 UTC 2011

Zitat von gimili <gimili17 at gmail.com>:

> Is it possible to have a shared calendar where authenticated users  
> can add events and edit and delete events if they are the creator  
> but only have read access to events where they are not the creator?   
> I can't seem to figure this out.  If I give authenticated users edit  
> permissions they are able to modify all events even if they are not  
> the creator.  If I remove edit permissions they can't add new events.

Theoretically it should work by giving the user (through default,  
user, or group permissions) read-only permissions, and read-write  
access in the creator permissions.


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