[kronolith] connection to Google or SOGo caldav calendars does not work

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Jun 15 11:00:40 UTC 2011

Zitat von hector_moreno <hmoreno at gmv.com>:

> Marco Giunta wrote:
>> Nobody else has the same problem ???
>> Regards,
>>    Marco
>> On 2011-05-02 09:44, Jan Schneider wrote:
>>> Zitat von Marco Giunta <giunta at sissa.it>:
>>>> Hi at all,
>>>> I've install a fresh copy of Horde 4.0.1 with Kronolith 3.0.1; I'm
>>>> not able to connect to a Google  or to a SOGo (1.3.6) caldav
>>>> calendar: error message is 'The remote server URL does not point to a
>>>> CalDAV directory.'. With same configuration I'm able to connect to
>>>> calendars through Mozilla Lightning.
>>>> At first, Kronolith complains about an 'outdated version of WebDAV
>>>> protocol', but after change line 607 in 'lib/Driver/Ical.php' now it
>>>> complains about 'CalDAV directory'.
>>>> Which server is compatible with kronolith Caldav ?? Only Davical ?
>>>> Did someone try to use another caldav server ???
>>> I'm having trouble accessing Google's CalDAV interface too atm.
>>> Unfortunately there is only access per HTTPS, so it's hard to watch
>>> what's going over the wire.
> I'm having the same problem. Has anyone fixed this issue?

No. I don't have SOGo installation at the moment to test with, and I  
already explained why Google can't be debugged.


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