[kronolith] Free/busy working in Traditional, broken in Dynamic

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Jun 29 18:34:16 UTC 2011

Zitat von Steve Teti <steti at monmouth.com>:

> On 6/29/2011 12:48 PM, Jan Schneider wrote:
>> Can you use Firebug or something similar to see what the FreeBusy ajax
>> request returns?
> Firebug shows the following as the response to POST  
> /services/ajax.php/kronolith/getFreeBusy
> /*-secure-{"response":{"fb":{"s":"20110629","e":"20110729","b":{"1309350600":1309354200,"1309453200":1309456800,"1309539600":1309543200,"1309798800":1309802400,"1309838400":1309924799,"1309924800":1310011199,"1310011200":1310097599,"1310144400":1310148000,"1310403600":1310407200,"1310490000":1310493600,"1310576400":1310580000,"1310662800":1310666400,"1310749200":1310752800,"1311008400":1311012000,"1311094800":1311098400,"1311181200":1311184800,"1311267600":1311271200,"1311354000":1311357600,"1311566400":1311652799,"1311652800":1311739199,"1311739200":1311825599,"1311825600":1311911999,"1311912000":1311998399}}}}*/
> It looks like some of the values are quoted and some are not.  Could  
> that be the issue?

No, this is correct. What this response says is, that from June 29 to  
July 29 there are bunch of busy periods, the first one starting on  
June 29, 12:30pm (utc) and the last one ending July 30, 4am. Is that  
the expected outcome?


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