[kronolith] calendar_id horde4

redhat at techspace.nl redhat at techspace.nl
Sat Jul 2 07:55:52 UTC 2011

Citeren Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:

> Please don't top-post.
> Zitat von redhat at techspace.nl:
>> Citeren Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:
>>> Zitat von redhat at techspace.nl:
>>>> Citeren Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:
>>>>> Zitat von redhat at techspace.nl:
>>>>>> first of all i know there a some toppings about this but i  
>>>>>> don't get my answer or don't understand them.
>>>>>> i want to upgrade some of my servers to horde4 so updated one  
>>>>>> of my test servers.
>>>>>> and noticed that the calendar_id is changed in a md5 hash.
>>>>>> To rule out that i dit some thing wrong with de db migration i  
>>>>>> made a clean install clean db tables and made a entry in  
>>>>>> kronolith the same md5 hash appeared.
>>>>>> So my questions dit i do some thing wrong? or is this new in horde4
>>>>> No. The only thing that changed is that *new* default shares no  
>>>>> longer use the user name as the share id, but a hash, like it  
>>>>> has always been the case for any but the default shares.
>>>>>> And if this is new how can i change a existing db table with  
>>>>>> user names to the md5 hash for migration to horde4.
>>>>>> i use mysql for calendar and events my users adressbook and  
>>>>>> groups are stored in ldap.
>>>>>> thanks in advance jasper
>>>> Ok so were is it going wrong for me let me explain wat i dit
>>>> dumped te horde tables completely rebuilt them bij updating db in  
>>>> the configuration menu.
>>>> loged in as user jasper and made a entry in the calendar jasper
>>>> as you can sie i get this `iciIVTZu2kBODfHfmWVxANA` in sted of  
>>>> this `jasper`
>>>> INSERT INTO `kronolith_events` VALUES ('sCT2NTZu2kBODfH1St8RAJA',  
>>>> '20110701181237.z3JcQDZu2kBODfH1TP2BAJA at',  
>>>> 'iciIVTZu2kBODfHfmWVxANA', 'jasper', '', '', 2, 'a:0:{}', NULL,  
>>>> NULL, 'jasper', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2011-07-01 00:00:00',  
>>>> '2011-07-01 01:00:00', 0, 1309536756, 0, 0, 'a:0:{}', '', '',  
>>>> NULL, 'a:0:{}');
>>>> Anny tips on how to debug this behavior.
>>> What do you want to debug? This is the expected behavior.
>> Yes and this is were i get confused
>> this is how a entry looks before the upgrade horde3
>> calendar_id is similar to user name
>> this is the same user as below and not a shared calender
>> INSERT INTO `kronolith_events` VALUES  
>> ('e7e886ab36ad6a3a846bf710db56490d',  
>> '20110701192349.125142esnnp340it at www.techspace.nl', 'jasper',  
>> 'jasper', '', '', 2, 'a:0:{}', '', NULL, 'jasper', '', 0, NULL,  
>> NULL, NULL, '2011-07-01 12:00:00', '2011-07-01 13:00:00', 1440,  
>> 1309541028, 0, NULL);
>> calender calendar_id is diverend
>> the entry's made in horde3 are not visible in horde4
>> This is the normal behavior? i must change all calender_id to make  
>> them visible again?.
> No. But you cannot simply migrate one table, but not the other. If  
> you let Horde create shares from scratch, but use the old events,  
> things will break. Period.
> Jan.
> --
sorry for topping

when i dit a clean install i migrated no existing tables all were  
created by horde4.
when i make an entry in kronolith calendar_id is still a md5 hash.
maybe i'm getting thing wrong when you say Horde create shares you  
mean when i give others rights to read and white in my calendar?.

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