[kronolith] timezone and data upload from older version

LALOT Dominique dom.lalot at gmail.com
Tue Jul 19 15:22:31 UTC 2011


I just discovered that I have  a problem when uploading data from my
production (kronolith 2.3.2) to my horde4 (kronolith 3.0.5)  test server. I
just get a 2 hours shift from GMT when displaying events. For me, I believed
it was OK until I looked at the hours when  getting duplicates.

I looked both at the data coming from my sql dump and look at event_start in
mysql (which is a string not a timestamp)

sql dump from origin
Pharo','Professionnel',0,NULL,NULL,NULL,'2011-07-12 10:00:00','2011-07-12

in mysql in horde4 side using phpmyadmin:
2011-07-12 10:00:00

>From my prod server
root at ent1:~# date
mardi 19 juillet 2011, 17:04:58 (UTC+0200)

on my test system:
root at horde4:/var/www/horde/kronolith/config# date
mardi 19 juillet 2011, 17:05:20 (UTC+0200)

When the event is displayed in kronolith 3.0.5, the GMT shift is added, so
my event starts at 12 instead of 10.

I have no idea, as the date, timezone are the same. Just a little bit
surprised that date are strings whithout timezone info in the database (so
they should be GMT). The question is: why is my prod server display the same
event whitout timezone..
Don't understand what is wrong!
One version is considering the same data as local the other one is storing
as GMT (good option anyway). If I create a new event, the ascii string is
stored as GMT.
Is there an easy way to convert and what coudl be wrong?



Dominique LALOT
Ingénieur Systèmes et Réseaux

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