[kronolith] Listing users with fullname instead of login name

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Tue Sep 20 10:15:33 UTC 2011

Zitat von ssri_abo at u-paris2.fr:

> Le 17/07/2011 13:07, Jan Schneider a écrit :
>> Zitat von ssri_abo at u-paris2.fr:
>>> Hello,
>>> When sharing your calendar, you can select Horde users from a list. Is
>>> there a way to list Horde users in a more friendly way using their
>>> fullname instead of username ?
>> Not at the moment.
> Can we make a feature request ?

Sure, though this wouldn't scale well, at least for large lists. OTOH,  
our current user lists don't scale well anyway for large user bases  
anyway. :)

> In Horde 3, when sharing you calendar, the list of Horde users were  
> presented in alphabetical order. Horde 4 does not behave the same  
> which make it difficult to find a user. How to correct this ?

Use a more recent versions. This has been added to the Horde 4  
components a while ago.


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