[kronolith] something's wrong in kronolith

Martin Kleinschmidt mk at theochem.uni-duesseldorf.de
Mon Nov 14 15:11:29 UTC 2011


I am experienceing some weird problems in kronolith:

- I have one calendar called "staff", owned by me, but others have
  read/write permissions. When I change/add/delete an entry in this
  calendar, an email with correct contents is sent to notify me (and
  others) of the change, but the sender of this email is some other
- (see http://imageshack.us/f/685/82048596.jpg/): some appointments have
  corrupt times. Everything was OK, and then suddenly went corrupt.
  Can't appoint it to some specific update or something. Times are
  displayed as aN:aN. When I edit this event, everything looks fine.
  Moreover, the event "QCCC Praktikum" in the pic on Mondays and
  Thursdays (That's "Donnerstag" in german) is only ONE reoccuring
  event, and has wrong times on Thursdays and corrupt ones on Mondays.

- dates are in random order in the overview (see pic) 16th followed by
  20th followed by 15th etc.

any suggestions as to what might be the cause?


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