[kronolith] something's wrong in kronolith

Martin Kleinschmidt mk at theochem.uni-duesseldorf.de
Mon Nov 14 20:36:47 UTC 2011

Hi Jan,

thanks for the quick reply!

I have experimented a bit and found some things:

On Mo, 14 Nov 2011, Jan Schneider wrote:

> Zitat von Martin Kleinschmidt <mk at theochem.uni-duesseldorf.de>:
>> Hi,
>> I am experienceing some weird problems in kronolith:
>> - I have one calendar called "staff", owned by me, but others have
>>   read/write permissions. When I change/add/delete an entry in this
>>   calendar, an email with correct contents is sent to notify me (and
>>   others) of the change, but the sender of this email is some other
>>   person.
> No idea.

Me neither. 
The other person who is the sender of the email is (together with me) an
administrator of horde (in $conf['auth']['admins'] ). But removing him
from there has no effect...
This is independent of using traditional or dynamic layout.

The other two problems exist only in the dynamic layout:

>> - (see http://imageshack.us/f/685/82048596.jpg/): some appointments have
>>   corrupt times. Everything was OK, and then suddenly went corrupt.
>>   Can't appoint it to some specific update or something. Times are
>>   displayed as aN:aN. When I edit this event, everything looks fine.
> Can you fix that to certain events at least? Upload them to a bug report 
> please in that case.

This is related to the opera browser (11.52 on linux):
in the "week" view of kronolith, opera display is broken:

compare the display in firefox
and opera
of the same week-view. 
In opera, the labes on the left side ("ganztags" and the hours) are not
"from down to up" but "from left to right" (one could live with that)
but more seriously, the appointment "test" is not displayed at 9:40, but
at 0:00. When I saw this on the "QCCC Praktikum" appointment of my first
email, I tried to "pull it down" by the little arrow that normally is
for changing the end time of an appointment.
When I do this, the time of the appointment is displayed as 
"aN:an - aN:aN" as long as I do not let go of the mouse button and the
"invalid Date" message box appears. And only after I have done this, the
"aN:aN" times are shown in the "Agenda" view of kronilith (the problem
depicted in my first email).
This does not go away when changing to different views, only a reload

>>   Moreover, the event "QCCC Praktikum" in the pic on Mondays and
>>   Thursdays (That's "Donnerstag" in german) is only ONE reoccuring
>>   event, and has wrong times on Thursdays and corrupt ones on Mondays.
                    ^^^^^ sorry typo, these times were right.
so no wrong times, only corrupt ones.

> No idea.

related to the opera issue.

>> - dates are in random order in the overview (see pic) 16th followed by
>>   20th followed by 15th etc.
> You probably enabled another calendar while already in this view. I'm not 
> sure if we correctly sort new days into the existing list in this case.

no, I did not, but your guess points in the right direction:
the sorting of the days is as follows:
first come the day that have entries in the first calendar in my list.
Then come the days that have entries in the second calendar in my list
(and no entries in teh first one) etc.
In my first exampe (http://imageshack.us/f/685/82048596.jpg/), the
orange entries are from the "Feiertage" Calendar, all others are from
the "staff" calendar. 

best regards,


Es war die Hand Gottes. (Diego Maradona)

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