[kronolith] Two config questions

ANANT S ATHAVALE asa at isac.gov.in
Thu Dec 1 04:01:23 UTC 2011

----- Message from cjdl01 <cjdl01 at brokensolstice.com> ---------
    Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2011 11:31:33 -0500
    From: cjdl01 <cjdl01 at brokensolstice.com>
Subject: Re: [kronolith] Two config questions
      To: kronolith at lists.horde.org

> Quoting ANANT S ATHAVALE <asa at isac.gov.in>:
>> You need to create prefs.local.php for any changes w.r.t pref.php
>> and it should have these lines
>> $_prefs['search_sources']['locked'] = true;
>> $_prefs['search_sources']['hook'] = true;
>> $_prefs['search_fields']['locked'] = true;
>> $_prefs['search_fields']['hook'] = true;
>> and copy hooks.php.dist to hooks.php and enable those hook  
>> functions by uncommenting those lines of code.
>> and for turba the file you should refer is  
>> turba/config/backends.php (copied to backends.local.php with site  
>> specific changes)
>> I hope this helps.
>> -Anant.
> It certainly does, Anant.  Thank you.  But, I'm afraid that there is  
> still something I am missing.  I have implemented the changes you  
> suggested, but it seems there is a little more that I need to do here.
> The prefs.php line:
> $_prefs['search_sources'] = array(
>     'value' => ''
> );

> Should I put this in my prefs.local.php?  And if so, what exactly  
> goes into the array?

No need to put that in prefs.local.php.  prefs.local.php will only  
contain changes w.r.t. prefs.php.

I have looked at ~/turba/config/backends.php,
> and I have these objects (first line of block of code):
> $cfgSources['prefs'] = array(
> $cfgSources['favourites'] = array(
> $cfgSources['facebook'] = array(
> $cfgSources['imsp'] = array(

You should copy backends.php to backends.local.php (in turba).   
Configure all backends which you have  (like localsql, ldap,  
favourite) and disable=false.

> But I don't see anything that refers to "all my private and shared  
> addressbooks".  I'm using turba with the vfs set to horde defaults,  
> and the horde vfs set to "Files on the local system".  I don't pull  
> anything from ldap, imsp, facebook or any other external back end.   
> Is there a source that equates to "all my shared and personal turba  
> address books"?
> Remember what I'm trying to do here is get kronolith to search  
> through all the user's address books when inviting attendees.  Right  
> now, it only searches through their primary, private addressbook.   
> All secondary and shared address books are ignored.

I am not using this way. So, don't know.

> I appreciate your patience.
> Thanks.
> -Chris
> -- 
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----- End message from cjdl01 <cjdl01 at brokensolstice.com> -----

Anant S Athavale,
Ph: 3512.

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