[kronolith] Reminder and Agenda links are bad

cjdl01 cjdl01 at brokensolstice.com
Mon Dec 19 02:43:09 UTC 2011

Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:

> Zitat von cjdl01 <cjdl01 at brokensolstice.com>:
>> Hi,
>> I have one last issue with kronolith, I had hoped upgrading would  
>> fix it, but it did not.  Perhaps it is just a configuration issue.
>> The problem I'm getting is that the links that are generated by  
>> kronolith in my reminder and agenda email notifications are bad.   
>> They point to http://myserver.com/kronolith/blah/blah/blah, when  
>> they should point to http://myserver/horde/kronolith/blah/blah/blah
>> I found this:
>> http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.horde.kronolith/5642
>> In which Jan mentions the setting of $app_webroot in  
>> ~/horde/config/registry.php.  I have tried doing this, but  
>> apparently I'm not getting the syntax right -- and getting it wrong  
>> causes all of horde to stop functioning.
> How does it stop functioning? And what did you try setting there?
>> I acknowledge, however, that this may not be the ideal solution,  
>> because every other application knows its root -- even kronolith,  
>> except in this one instance. Perhaps setting this to anything will  
>> break my horde, and that's why it isn't working...
>> If changing $app_webroot is the recommended tack here, could  
>> someone please clue me in on the appropriate syntax?
>> If $app-webroot is not the appropriate tack, then what must I fix  
>> to get this link generated properly?
> It's just a simple string with the URL of the Horde root:
> $app_webroot = '/horde';
> And of course you should put it in registry.local.php, not registry.php.
> Jan.

Thanks Jan.

Right, registry.local.php. :)

These lines threw me:
// $app_fileroot = dirname(__FILE__) . '../';
// $app_webroot = $this->_detectWebroot();

So I tried all kinds of whacky things like: $app_webroot = $this->  
"horde", $app_webroot = $this-> "./horde", etc.

I also tried just putting $app_webroot = "horde" and $app_webroot =  
"~/horde" and $app_webroot = "./horde"

I just didn't think it would be an absolute path.

I think it broke everything because horde was looking for its  
components in the wrong place.  As soon as I set it like one of the  
examples above, everything would fail... e.g., I had imp open in  
another window, and it started throwing red boxes about not being able  
to find this or that.  Clicking on any link or button would cause my  
browser to hang, and eventually time out. Given what this directive  
does, it didn't do anything that it shouldn't have when mis-configured  

Thanks again, that did the trick!


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