[kronolith] Administration page shows 'Content 1.0.3'

Arjen de Korte arjen+horde at de-korte.org
Fri Mar 16 15:37:21 UTC 2012

Citeren Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:

> No. If you have inconsistent data because upgrading failed, then you  
> need to revert to your last H3 state, then upgrade the data to most  
> recent H3 version, then upgrade to H4.

That is not an option. We've been running H4 for more than half a year  
or so already, so the loss of data this would cause is unacceptable. I  
guess I'll have to live with this, since other than the stupid  
'Content 1.0.3' line, H4 seems to run fine. I was just wondering if  
there is an easy fix for this, but apparently there isn't.

Best regards, Arjen

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