[kronolith] is it a bug or not ?

Alain DEFRANCE alain.defrance at univ-evry.fr
Thu May 24 15:09:24 UTC 2012

hello all,
i'm using horde 4 and kronolith 3.0.16

my calFBURL attribute is like this :


and i have a notification when using attendees :

"peer certificate cannot be authenticated whith known CA certificates"

you can see my server certificate here and is a good one :


what can i do ?

i precise that with horde 3 all is working well

thanks for your help


*Alain DEFRANCE* - Ingénieur systèmes et réseaux

Direction des systèmes d'information (DiSI)

Centre d'Exploitation des Infrastructures Informatiques (CEDII)
Cellule Réseau et Expertise Systèmes

Bât Ile de France - RDC - Bureau 58
Université d'Evry Val d'Essonne
4, Bd F. Mitterrand - 91025 EVRY Cedex

Tel : - Fax :
Mail : alain.defrance at univ-evry.fr
Site UEVE : http://www.univ-evry.fr

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