[kronolith] kronolith: two post-install snags

cjdl01 cjdl01 at brokensolstice.com
Wed Oct 3 15:27:59 UTC 2012

>> Since there doesn't seem to be an issue with my c library or my  
>> php, should I file a bug for this?  Or is there something else we  
>> can do?
> Since I cannot reproduce this, a bug report won't help either. I'm  
> afraid you have to track this down yourself.
> -- 
> Jan Schneider

OK.... I'm not really a programmer though.  Can you point me in the  
right direction?  Is there a way to force horde to get something other  
than %r?

I had the same problem with the weather block, and someone posted a  
fix that involved a minor code tweak.  In horde/config/prefs.php I  

// Time format
$_prefs['time_format'] = array(
    'value' => '%X',
    'type' => 'enum',
    'enum' => array(
        '%X' => strftime('%X') . ' (' . _("Default") . ')',
        '%H:%M:%S' => strftime('%H:%M:%S') . ' (' . _("24-hour format") . ')',
        '%l:%M:%S %p' => strftime('%l:%M:%S %p'),
        '%R' => strftime('%R') . ' (' . _("24-hour format") . ')',
        '%l:%M %p' => strftime('%l:%M %p'),
    'desc' => _("Choose how to display times:")


// Time format
$_prefs['time_format'] = array(
     'value' => '%H:%M:%S',
     'type' => 'enum',
     'enum' => array(
         '%X' => strftime('%X') . ' (' . _("Default") . ')',
         '%H:%M:%S' => strftime('%H:%M:%S') . ' (' . _("24-hour format") . ')',
         '%l:%M:%S %p' => strftime('%l:%M:%S %p'),
         '%R' => strftime('%r') . ' (' . _("24-hour format") . ')',
         '%l:%M %p' => strftime('%l:%M %p'),
     'desc' => _("Choose how to display times:")

And that fixed it (actually I made a prefs.local.php like a good boy).  
  I had really hoped it would carry over into Kronolith, but it  
didn't.  Is there something similar I can do for Kronolith?

Any help you can give me here would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.


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