[kronolith] New Event

Simon Brereton simon.buongiorno at gmail.com
Fri Nov 16 15:13:58 UTC 2012

On 16 November 2012 05:18, Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org> wrote:
> Zitat von Simon Brereton <simon.buongiorno at gmail.com>:
>> Hi
>> 1) The Kronotlith New Event link is easily available from any
>> application - including the portal.  Why, then, is it necessary to
>> switch to Kronolith once the new event link is used?  For example, if
>> I get an email asking for a meeting or arranging an appointment - I
>> should be able to access the new event dialogue whilst still viewing
>> the email.
> Maybe you didn't notice, but the new event dialog is not a popup window.

Perhaps window was the wrong term - it's clearly a div/iframe, but I
still don't see why it needs to load Kronolith in the background.  It
means at least one extra click to return to IMP or the portal or what
ever - and extra clicks should be avoided as a matter of good UI

>> 2) If you have more than one event in a day then a) it looks like the
>> appointments are adjacent and worse than that, that they are actually
>> related.  It would be nice to have at least a border around the
>> individual events to denote separate events please.
> I think it looks better this way.

Sweet.  But could you make it a preference then please?  Even having a
different shade would help distinguish.  At the moment I have
something that looks like:

O. Musterman

which looks to all the world like one meeting with O. Musterman at
Gesellschaft and not two separate events, one with O. Musterman and
one with Gesellschaft.  Even adding the meeting times, or even just
the start time would help with clarity.  Clarity is another plank of
good UI design principles.



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