[kronolith] DB conversion creates 'rampage_tags' with broken umlaut marks (webmail 1.2.8 to HordeGW 5.0.2)

Herbert Pophal pophal at tubit.tu-berlin.de
Fri Feb 22 13:46:16 UTC 2013

Dear Horde folks,

After having lower cased all(?) DB columns being user names before
converting the database for our migration from Webmail Edition 1.2.8 to
5.0.2 I experience another DB issue.

The newly created table  'rampage_tags' contains entries where tag_name
equals '?bungsbl?tter' or '1. Priorit?t' instead of what I did expect:
'Übungsblätter' resp. '1. Priorität'.

Is this correct? If not, what could have caused this? Which character
set conversion went wrong?

Which purpose does this table serve for?

Environment: RHEL 6.3
             PHP 5.3.3 (RedHat Packages) driven by mod_fcgid
             Separate PEAR Installation of Horde Groupware 5.0.2

Thanks in advance.


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