[kronolith] Kronolith, Lightning, Shared Calendar -> lost Appointments

Chris Fischer chris_f at gmx.net
Mon Jul 1 14:19:13 UTC 2013


actually wie use Horde Groupware Webmail Edition 5.0.4 with Kronolith 
4.0.4, but our problem exists over different Webmail Editions since 5.0.0.

Part of the setup is an user, which own's companies shared calendars and 
via ACL our users are allowed to read and write this calendars with 
there own login.

We are using Thunderbird with lightning to access the calendars. 
Sometimes the system seems to loose some appointment entries a user has 
created. There is no difference if the appointment was created through 
lightning or hordes gui. Also this effect is haphazardly, not 
reproducible and regards all users.

Could this be an error of kronolith or is this a design error how we use it?



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