[kronolith] HowTo use "resources"

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Thu Oct 3 14:38:37 UTC 2013

Quoting Lukas Gradl <horde at ssn.at>:

> Hi!
> In Kronolith it is possible to add Ressources and Ressourcegroups.  
> But what are they for and how do we use them?

A resource represents a physical item, a conference room, digital  
projector etc...  They can be "invited" to meetings to ensure they are  
available for use. Resource availability is tracked in it's own  
calendar. If the resource is created with a response type of "auto",  
then the resource will automatically accept or deny the meeting  
request based on it's availability. Resource groups are used for  
aggregation of resources. E.g., you have 5 digital projectors  
available, but normally wouldn't care which one is used for a meeting.  
You group the 5 projector resources into a group and when you invite  
the group to a meeting, the first available projector accepts the  
meeting request.

> Is there any dokumentation on that?

No, not really but feel free to start some after you play around a bit :)

The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org
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