[kronolith] auto-activated reminder function on edit

Jens-U. Mozdzen jmozdzen at nde.ag
Mon Nov 25 18:05:05 UTC 2013


running kronolith 4.1.4 with Kolab back-end (Horde_Kolab_Format 2.0.4  
stable, Horde_Kolab_Server 2.0.2 stable, Horde_Kolab_Session 2.0.1  
stable, Horde_Kolab_Storage 2.0.5 stable), just opening (and then  
saving) a calendar entry activates the reminder function.

Steps to reproduce:

- create and store a new (all-day or other) entry in your calendar,  
make sure reminder is off

- (calendar shows no "bell" symbol for the entry)(IMAP file has  

- re-open the event: reminder is activated, "0 weeks" before the actual date

- store the event without changing anything

-(calendar shows "bell" symbol for the entry)(IMAP file has  
"<horde-alarm-methods>a:0:{}</horde-alarm-methods>" and  
"<alarm>1</alarm>", too)

- (re-opening the event shows "1 minute" before actual start, probably  
because of defaults)

Reproducible 100%.


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