[kronolith] Can't add or edit events in dynamic view Horde webmail 5.2.2, Kronolith 4.2.2

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Thu Oct 30 09:41:35 UTC 2014

Zitat von Eric Van Bocxlaer <evb at ping.be>:

> Citeren Eric Van Bocxlaer <evb at ping.be>:
>> Citeren Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:
>>> Zitat von Eric Van Bocxlaer <evb at ping.be>:
>>>> Citeren Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:
>>>>> Zitat von Eric Van Bocxlaer <evb at ping.be>:
>>>>>>> Zitat von Eric Van Bocxlaer <evb at ping.be>:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> For some time now I can't edit or add events in the dynamic view. No
>>>>>>>> problem in editing or adding in the simple view!
>>>>>>>> So I did some debug in FireBug and the reason is a undefined
>>>>>>>> 'date_format' in the javascript file kronolith.js, function getDate:
>>>>>>>>  getDate: function(what) {
>>>>>>>>      var dateElm, timeElm, date, time;
>>>>>>>>      if (what == 'start') {
>>>>>>>>          dateElm = 'kronolithEventStartDate';
>>>>>>>>          timeElm = 'kronolithEventStartTime';
>>>>>>>>      } else {
>>>>>>>>          dateElm = 'kronolithEventEndDate';
>>>>>>>>          timeElm = 'kronolithEventEndTime';
>>>>>>>>      }
>>>>>>>>      date = Date.parseExact($F(dateElm), Kronolith.conf.date_format)
>>>>>>>>          || Date.parse($F(dateElm));
>>>>>>>>      if (date) {
>>>>>>>>          time = Date.parseExact($F(timeElm),
>>>>>>>> Kronolith.conf.time_format);
>>>>>>>>          if (!time) {
>>>>>>>>              time = Date.parse($F(timeElm));
>>>>>>>>          }
>>>>>>>>          if (time) {
>>>>>>>>              date.setHours(time.getHours());
>>>>>>>>              date.setMinutes(time.getMinutes());
>>>>>>>>          }
>>>>>>>>      }
>>>>>>>>      return date;
>>>>>>>>  },
>>>>>>>> Kronolith.conf.date_format is for some reason undefined.
>>>>>>>> When I look via FireBug into the object 'Kronolith' I see two child
>>>>>>>> objects 'conf' and 'text'. In the child object 'conf' I see a
>>>>>>>> defined 'time_format', but no 'date_format'.
>>>>>>>> When I define via FireBug a 'date_format', everything is working, I
>>>>>>>> can add and edit events in the dynamic view!
>>>>>>>> I searched but did not (yet) found where the configuration
>>>>>>>> information is read and putted in the 'Kronolith' object?
>>>>>>>> Can someone guid me to find the correct code?
>>>>>>> See below, it's probably the same problem, because the date format
>>>>>>> depends on the current locale.
>>>>>>>> During my search I verified the global settings of Horde for the
>>>>>>>> date_format, date_format_mini and the time_format. There are all set!
>>>>>>>> Some remark though, when I take these lists I can see entries, but
>>>>>>>> also some empty lines. The filled in lines and the empty lines are
>>>>>>>> corresponding with the enum array in prefs.php.
>>>>>>>> Example date_format list:
>>>>>>>> 09/20/14
>>>>>>>> 2014-09-20
>>>>>>>> 20/09/2014
>>>>>>>> Saturday 20 September 2014
>>>>>>>> Saturday, September 20, 2014
>>>>>>>> Saturday, 20. September 2014
>>>>>>>> Saturday, 20 September 2014
>>>>>>>> empty line
>>>>>>>> empty line
>>>>>>>> empty line
>>>>>>>> empty line
>>>>>>>> empty line
>>>>>>>> Sat 20 Sep 2014
>>>>>>>> Sat 09/20/14
>>>>>>>> Sat 2014-09-20
>>>>>>>> The rest of the lines are empty
>>>>>>>> Why these empty lines and why the weekdays/months are not in dutch?
>>>>>>>> Everything else is translated but not the weekdays and months?
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Some of those entries depend on your current locale. If you don't see
>>>>>>> expected date strings, make sure you have the system locales for your
>>>>>>> current language installed.
>>>>>> I verified the system locale on my server, it was correctly set to
>>>>>> 'Dutch (Belgium)' the same as my selected language when I log in
>>>>>> Horde webmail and the same as the selected language in the horde
>>>>>> global settings.
>>>>> It doesn't matter what you set the locale to, if the locale isn't
>>>>> installed.
>>>>>> I found a file Registry.php, function setLanguage. I added some php
>>>>>> error logging and found that the language
>>>>>> returned from this function is 'nl_BE'.
>>>>> Then this is the preferred language set by your browser, but it's not
>>>>> supported by Horde and maybe not by your system either (see above).
>>>>> I'm not even sure how the language got so far in the code, other than
>>>>> on the login screen, because logging in should only be possible with
>>>>> one of the languages we actually support.
>>>>>> Where can I start to debug this thing?
>>>>>> The server is a windows system running apache24 and horde webmail
>>>>>> installed via pear.
>>>>> Well, that's an important information too. Windows' locale support
>>>>> isn't actually very good, so some date formats may not be available to
>>>>> you at all. And frankly, I haven't tested a recent Horde version on a
>>>>> Windows system in years, so I'm not even sure if it still works.
>>>> I'm using without any problem horde on windows now for years.
>>>> Sometimes after an upgrade there is some little problem, but I
>>>> learned to wait and allmost the problem is gone with a next upgrade.
>>>> Sometimes it is blocking and then I use RoundCube as emergency
>>>> system ;-)
>>>> The problem described above is now already for some time in the
>>>> system and upgrades are not fixing the problem.
>>>> So I decided to do some debugging.
>>>> There is no problem in the static simple view, it only appears in
>>>> the dynamic view.
>>>> So I don't understand: don't you use 'locales' in the static simple view?
>>> The difference is we don't use the date format from the preferences in
>>> dynamic view, because we must be able to re-parse the entered dates
>>> from free-text fields. We use the default date format of the current
>>> locale in dynamic view.
>>>> Can you point me to the code where the object
>>>> 'Kronolith.conf.date_format' in the javascript file Kronolith.js is
>>>> initialized.
>>>> If I know where to debug I can maybe repair the problem apparently
>>>> appearing only on Windows systems and only in the dynamic view.
>>> kronolith/lib/Ajax.php, Kronolith_Ajax::_addBaseVars().
>> Like said, I'm running horde with apache24 on a windows server.
>> That horde isn't tested under windows should be mentionned on the
>> www.horde.org website so that users are warned!
>> I found two problems under windows causing the above described problems:
>> 1. the php function nl_langinfo is used, but this function isn't
>> implemented on windows platforms
>> 2. the php function setlocale is used, but the locale strings used are
>> not the same on windows platforms
>> For the first problem a workaround exists by simulating the missing
>> function. Paul Kemper did write a 'windows' nl_langinfo function. This
>> function is too long to include here, but I can send it if requested.
>> There was still a bug in his function for the D_FMT locale and
>> strftime parameter '%e'. The latter isn't implemented on windows, so
>> it must be replaced by '%#d'.
>> And because of this the function translateFormat in Datejs.php
>> (C:\php\pear\Horde\Core\Script\Package\Datejs.php) must be adapted for
>> the '%e' translation, no leading space on windows:
>>     /**
>>      * Translates date format strings from strftime to datejs.
>>      *
>>      * @param string $format  A date format string in strftime syntax.
>>      *
>>      * @return string  The date format string in datejs format.
>>      */
>>     static public function translateFormat($format)
>>     {
>>         $from = array('%e', '%-d', '%d', '%a', '%A', '%-m', '%m',
>> '%h', '%b', '%B', '%y', '%Y');
>>         $to = array('d', 'd', 'dd', 'ddd', 'dddd', 'M', 'MM', 'MMM',
>> 'MMM', 'MMMM', 'yy', 'yyyy');
>>         if (defined('D_FMT')) {
>>             $from[] = '%x';
>>             $to[] = str_replace($from, $to, Horde_Nls::getLangInfo(D_FMT));
>>         }
>>         return str_replace($from, $to, $format);
>>     }
>> Add the simulated function nl_langinfo as an include in the Nls.php
>> file (C:\php\pear\Horde\Nls.php):
>> include( 'WindowsNl_LangInfo.php' );
>> For the second problem, I first created a new nls.local.php
>> configuration file (C:\Apache24\htdocs\webmail\config\nls.local.php)
>> with the windows locales strings:
>>         'usa_usa' => '&#x202d;English (American)',
>>         'uk_uk' => '&#x202d;English (British)',
>>         'canadian_can' => '&#x202d;English (Canadian)',
>>         'fra_fra' => 'Français',
>>         'nld_nld' => 'Nederlands'
>> And then modified the function setLanguage in Registry.php
>> (C:\php\pear\Horde\Registry.php) to not include 'UTF-8', also not
>> supported on each windows platform.
>> But that didn't work, I'm missing something I think.
>> If I hard code the wanted language 'nld_nld' in the function
>> setLanguage, then it works. Of course the user can't change the
>> language anymore. That's not a problem for me, but as generic
>> solution, this can't be coded like this!
>> With all these changes the agenda is now working in the wanted
>> language, I can now add events, delete and change events.
>> But it is not future proof, the next upgrade of horde will delete the
>> changes and I'm back at the beginning.
>> The key question is, will horde support an installation on windows in
>> the future? For this to happen, the code must be made cross-platform...
>> Regards,
>> Eric
> I didn't receive any reaction about above questions.
> Will windows support be added or not?
> If not, it should be mentionned in the documentation to pinpoint  
> people, working with window platforms, to the existing problems.
> Regards,
> -- 
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This takes some time to consider, and I don't even have a working  
Windows server system at the moment to test this myself.
Since this only affects the dynamic view though, I wouldn't say that  
we don't support Windows. Support may just be limited to the basic and  
mobile view.

Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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