[kronolith] 4.2.3 "Admin access not enabled." when editing calendars

Jens Pranaitis pranaitis at phil.hhu.de
Mon Jan 26 10:09:58 UTC 2015


whenever I try to edit a calendar within kronolith I get a red popup 
stating "Admin access not enabled." and the page displays the loading 
gif. Adding/modifying individual dates works fine. I'm running

kronolith 4.2.3
horde 5.2.3
imp 6.2.6

All other packages are also up to date. I tried downgrading kronolith to 
4.2.2, but the problem persists. I think the problem cropped up some 
time in the past 2-3 weeks, but I'm not sure as editing owns calendar 
isn't an everyday action.

The POST request resulting in the error message is:


with params:

chunck: calendar

In the apache logs the request returns 200 without any further message.

Any pointers to what I could have misconfigured or how to further debug 
the issue would be really appreciated.

Kind regards,

Jens Pranaitis
IKM-Serviceteam der Philosophischen Fakultät
HHU Düsseldorf
Gebäude 23.03, Ebene 01, Raum 27a
Tel.: 0211/81-13077

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