[kronolith] Event modification are not synced to remote device using CALdav if horde cache enabled

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Nov 11 11:22:24 UTC 2015

Zitat von Giorgio Paolucci <giorgio.paolucci at unipd.it>:

> Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:
>> Zitat von Giorgio Paolucci <giorgio.paolucci at unipd.it>:
>>> Hello everybody,
>>> I have a horde webmail installation 5.2.11 on a clustered debian wheezy
>>> platform.
>>> Horde is installed on a 4 node cluster (2 clusters of 2) and clients are
>>> balanced on a round robin DNS basis; to keep sessions sticky, each node
>>> is
>>> configured with an apache reverse proxy that forwards (based on cookie
>>> values) requests to apache2 backend instances listening on non standard
>>> ports on each node. Php caching system APC is installed.
>>> If I enable horde cache (local file system on each node), users who
>>> subscribe calendars through CALdav don't receive updates on their
>>> smartphones, or better:  they receive new events or deletion of events,
>>> but not modifications of existing events made through horde web
>>> interface.
>>> Apache logs show that caldav clients sessions are sticky and each
>>> smarphone
>>> query always the same node of the cluster.
>>> With horde cache disabled, everything works fine. Any clues to
>>> investigate
>>> this issue?
>> This observation doesn't make much sense to me, because we don't use any
>> caching in the CalDAV code or in Kronolith, except for external calendar
>> resources like remote calendars of free/busy information.
> Hi Jan,
> that sounds odd to me too, also because the issue is repeatable: you enable
> horde cache and event modification are not caught bye the phone, you
> disable horde cache and events are caught again....
> Css and js can be cached without any issues.
> So, according to you there aren't possibly other implications in activating
> horde cache....

Correct. And needless to say, that nobody else has reported this so  
far, and I cannot reproduce it either.

Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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