[kronolith] Event notification from another user private calendar

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Tue Feb 16 15:40:56 UTC 2016

Quoting Luis Felipe Marzagao <lfbm.andamentos at gmail.com>:

> Em 15/02/2016 11:47, Luis Felipe Marzagao escreveu:
>> Hello:
>> I´ve just been notified in kronolith (the orange bottom-right box) about
>> an event that was created by another user in his private calendar.
>> I do not have access to that calendar. It´s not listed in my shared
>> calendars.
>> If I click on the event name at the orange notification box I get a
>> "Event not found" error (red box). Probably because I don´t have access
>> to that event, as expected, since it´s private for that user.
>> We are using kronolith 4.2.14.
> Today it has happened again.
> One additional information: apparently the notification is only  
> appearing for the calendar owner and for me and I´m registered as  
> admin in $conf[auth][admins]. I wonder if being an admin is causing  
> this.

This sounds likely. Please create a ticket on bugs.horde.org.

>> Do you have any pointers on how can I further debug this? What should I
>> look for?
>> Thanks!
>> Luis Felipe
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