[kronolith] horde/rpc.php/principals/user/ empty since some releases

Jens Wahnes wahnes at uni-koeln.de
Thu Apr 7 10:30:27 UTC 2016

Christoph Haas wrote:

> ----- Nachricht von Jens Wahnes <wahnes at uni-koeln.de> ---------
> [...]
>> So in your case, you would first have to send a PROPFIND request.
>> Make sure to send it to the full URL (including protocol type) that
>> ends with horde/rpc.php/principals/user/
>> The request body should look like this:
>> <d:propfind xmlns:d="DAV:" xmlns:c="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav">
>>  <d:prop>
>>     <c:calendar-home-set />
>>  </d:prop>
>> </d:propfind>

> I installed as recommended the easy-REST-add-on in Firefox and sent the
> given request as custom data (including MIME-type "application/xml" and
> authentication credentials to my Horde-installation, where the discovery
> via the principals already worked, some horde releases ago (!), to the
> Horde-URL
> https://servername.domain/horde/rpc.php/principals/user/
> (servername. domain and user are placeholders for anonymization), and
> also on my other Horde-installation, and got this result on both
> installations and for both propfind-requests back:

I'm not sure we're talking about the same Firefox add-on. The one I use 
is called "RESTClient" <http://restclient.net/>, so it may be different 
from what you are using.

> So, from my point of view nothing was discovered.
> No entries in the apache error.log and only the normal "GET
> /horde/rpc.php/principals/user/ HTTP/1.1" 200 1064 "-" "Mozilla/5.0
> (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:44.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/44.0
> Iceweasel/44.0.2" in the apache access-log
> Any more hints, what to check or wher to search for the cause?

Well, sending a GET request is wrong and will not yield a proper server 
response. You'll have to make sure to send a PROPFIND request to the 
server. I created a screenshot of the settings I use in RESTClient to 
make the example request (with the server response being displayed as 
well): http://666kb.com/i/d7vvbzwpjh2sv56pl.png
Note that you will probably need to enter the word "PROPFIND" into the 
select box of HTTP methods because it is not available from the 
drop-down menu.


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