[kronolith] Cannot create calendar through mac calendar app

Thomas Trepper thomas.trepper at blueclaim.com
Sat Nov 19 12:09:58 UTC 2016

But it still asks me for username & password. Am I missing something? Sorry & thanks for helping.


> Am 19.11.2016 um 12:20 schrieb Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:
> Am 19. November 2016 11:44:57 MEZ, schrieb Trepper Thomas <thomas.trepper at blueclaim.com>:
>> Hi Jan, 
>> thanks a lot for your answer and sorry for the delay.
>> @contribution: Is it possible, that I get access to the sources (just to have a first look) please? When I clicked on SourceCode it redirected me to git.horde… and asked for username & password. 
>> Thanks a lot in advance. 
>> Cheers,
>> Thomas
>>>  Am 14.11.2016 um 11:46 schrieb Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:
>>>  Zitat von Thomas Trepper <thomas.trepper at blueclaim.com>:
>>>>  Thanks a lot Jens. Are there any plans to add this?
>>>>  Thomas
>>>>>  Am
>>>>> 13.11.2016 um 18:39 schrieb Jens Wahnes <wahnes at uni-koeln.de>:
>>>>>>  On Sat, Nov 12 2016, at 15:57:31 +0100, Thomas Trepper wrote:
>>>>>>  I am using the standard mac calendar app and horde 5.2.2. I have used the CalDav account address for syncing (???server/horde/rpc.php/principals/thomas.trepper at blueclaim.com/) which works fine. I can create events and sync them.
>>>>>>  However I cannot create a calendar. The apache log gives me:
>>>>>> - thomas.trepper at blueclaim.com [12/Nov/2016:15:45:38 +0100] "MKCALENDAR /horde/rpc.php/calendars/thomas.trepper%40blueclaim.com/16CE7337-3AE2-4952-B68A-C3F7A8E4DF90/ HTTP/1.1" 201 717 "-" "Mac+OS+X/10.11.6 (15G1108) CalendarAgent/361.2"
>>>>>>  Does anyone have an idea where the issue might be?
>>>>>  Horde does not support creating calendars through CalDAV. You'll have
>>>>>  to create the new calendar through the web interface.
>>>>>  Jens
>>>>>  --
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>>>  -- 
>>>  Jan Schneider
>>>  The Horde Project
>>>  http://www.horde.org/
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> I'm not sure where you clicked, but the sources are on Github not git.horde.org.

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