[kronolith] How to add a new event to the kronolith_events using a PHP script

Ferdinand Gruber fer.grub at yahoo.de
Tue Sep 19 17:56:38 UTC 2017

Am 2017-09-16 um 15:15 schrieb Michael J Rubinsky:
> Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:
>> Zitat von Ferdinand Gruber <fer.grub at yahoo.de>:
>>> Hi,
>>> I made a PHP script to access the mysql datatable" kronolith_events" 
>>> of the horde database. Using that script I am able to change data 
>>> and save the changes.
>>> How can I set the primary key value "event_id" of a new event?
>>> Thank you for answer.
>>> -- 
>>> Regards from Austria
>>> Ferdinand Gruber
>>> .
>> It's just a random ID.
> Just be aware that if you are using any type of synchronization with 
> Kronolith, manually adding events in this manner will prevent the sync 
> engine from seeing them. It would be better to use Krnolith's API for 
> such tasks.
Does this also concern synchronization over CalDAV?

And another question:
What is the purpose of the field "event_uid"?

Thank you for answer.
>> -- 
>> Jan Schneider
>> The Horde Project
>> https://www.horde.org/
>> -- 
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Regards from Austria
Ferdinand Gruber

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