[kronolith] SMS reminders with Kronolith

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Sun Mar 18 18:47:37 UTC 2018

Quoting Sebastian Arcus <s.arcus at open-t.co.uk>:

> As far as I gather, this is not an existing feature - but has  
> anybody attempted to integrate Kronolith with some kind of SMS  
> reminders - maybe some hooks to work with Gammu, or something  
> similar? I have a site where they need sms reminders for  
> appointments, and it would be nice to integrate it with  
> Horde/Kronolith, instead have having a completely separate system.

Correct, this is not currently implemented, but would be useful. My  
suggestion would be to implement a Horde_Sms package to abstract  
access to various sms services, and then implement another  
notification/alarm driver that utilizes this.

> Any suggestions are welcome.
> -- 
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