[kronolith] Calendar entries in wrong calendar

Luis Felipe Marzagao lfbm.andamentos at gmail.com
Mon Apr 2 02:34:50 UTC 2018

Em 29/03/2018 10:09, Jan Schneider escreveu:
> Zitat von Jens Grüntjes <jens.gruentjes at ebira.de>:
>> Zitat von Jens Grüntjes <jens.gruentjes at ebira.de>:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> I have a strange problem with some user's calendars. The strange 
>>> thing is that, if user a accepts an invitation from a mail sent to 
>>> him, the calendar entry is generated in user b's calendar.
>>> We investigated this a bit and found out the following: user a 
>>> logged in into Horde sometimes with uppercase username "A" and 
>>> sometimes with lowercase username "a". There were two calendars for 
>>> the user, one of which could be accessed by "a" and the other one 
>>> accessible by "A".
>>> We looked into the database and found the two different calendars. 
>>> We then modified the database entries (in table kronolith_events) so 
>>> that every event for calendar "A" was moved to calendar "a". After 
>>> logging in as "a" every event from calendar "A" appeared in calendar 
>>> "a". When the user creates a new event this is correctly created in 
>>> his calendar. But when the user accepts invitatiobs sent by mail 
>>> then these events are created inside the calendar from user b. User 
>>> a doesn't even have permissions to write in user b's calendar.
>>> BTW: User b has almost the same problem when accepting invitations 
>>> by mail. His entries are generated in user c's calendar. But I guess 
>>> this is closelay related to my first problem.
>>> Did I misconfigure something in Horde or did I break something by 
>>> updating the database entries mannually?

I think I had something similar in the past.

What I did was normalize all login names using a hook like this, so that 
all users names were saved in the DB with lower cases only, even when 
the user logged-in with "Hisname" instead of "hisname".


class Horde_Hooks
     public function authusername($userId, $toHorde)
         return $toHorde
             ? Horde_String::lower($userId)
             : $userId;

As for the DB, I had to manually change all the "Uppercase" x 
"lowercase" names.

Hope it helps.

>>> Thanks for your help
>>> Jens
>> Hi,
>> any hints on this?
>> Greetings
>> Jens
> Other than confirming that this sounds weird, unfortunately not.

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