[kronolith] Reminder bei events

Ralf Lang lang at b1-systems.de
Mon Sep 3 09:12:20 UTC 2018

Am 24.08.2018 um 20:39 schrieb Luca Bertoncello:
> "John H. Bennett III" <bennettj at thebennetthome.com> schrieb:
>> Really, are you that ungrateful?  It is *FREE* software, and the devs  
>> always say patches are welcome.
> Really, I already tried to write some patches for Horde...
> It's really barbarous! Documentation is almost impossible to understand, the
> API are really confusing and no comments in code...
> A really simple change in the code is a very hard test for headache pills...
Hallo Luca,

which part of documentation are difficult for you to understand?
What is your current approach to the change?
I think, a fix would be required for existing data, too, to prevent
having thousands of unexpected alerts after a code fix.

> And, by the way, I know the patches are always welcome, but no answer to a
> __REALLY__ serious bug over an year is for me really hard to understand...
> And finally: "free" does __NOT__ mean "you must accept all the ... you got".
> If the program does not satisfy (anymore) my whishes and it is for me not
> possible to patch it (see over), then I'll looking for an alternative.

That might be the right approach for you if kronolith does not satisfy
your needs.


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