[kronolith] can't modify calendar events via caldav

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Apr 10 16:39:12 UTC 2019

Zitat von Zsombor <horde-kronolith at tuxworx.hu>:

> Hello All,
> I have the latest Horde + Kronolith setup.
> We are using Android phones with CalDAV apps downloaded from Google  
> Play ("open sync" and "DAVx5").
> The issue is that even the owner can't modify an event if there are  
> participants (I don't know if the participants are just invited or  
> already accepted the invitation).
> "Simple" calendar events (even recurring ones) with no other  
> attendees can be edited.
> Is this because a caldav feature I don't know about, a caldav sync  
> app bug or kronolith setup?
> Thank you,
> Zsombor

This doesn't ring any bell. Did you check the Horde, web server, and  
DAVx5 logs?

Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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