[kronolith] Kronolith events not visible in Google calendar

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Tue Jan 19 18:23:52 UTC 2021

Zitat von Ferdinand Gruber <fer.grub at yahoo.de>:

> Today I tried for the first time to subscribe a Kronolith calendar  
> in Google calendar.
> I used a CalDAV URL like this:
> https://example.com/horde/rpc.php/calendars/username/calendar:gO8NqonqPBun1TwWNl788w1/
> No username and or password was required by Google calendar and I  
> got no error message. The Kronolith calender is listed under "More  
> calendars" but I don't see any events of the subscribed calendar.
> I suspected the cause was with wrong permissions. Even if I change  
> the permissions in Kronolith to share the calendar with all the  
> world I don't see any events in Google calendar.

This is probably hard to debug, but looking the logs of the Horde  
server, while Google is trying to access it, would be a good start.

Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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