[midas] Fwd: Problem using Midas

Marko Djukic marko at oblo.com
Thu Apr 10 12:47:17 PDT 2003

Quoting Marko Djukic <marko at oblo.com>:

> ----- Forwarded message from "" <ruben at webmeesters.net> -----
>     Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2003 11:21:28 +0200
>     From: Ruben van der Steenhoven <ruben at webmeesters.net>
> Reply-To: Ruben van der Steenhoven <ruben at webmeesters.net>
>  Subject: Problem using Midas
>       To: Marko <marko at oblo.com>
> Hello Marko,
> long time since we spoke, perhaps you don't even remember me, i translated
> Giapeto in Dutch for you.
> I am still trying to get Midas to work, but there seems to be something
> missing.
> To be precise, the class date is missing, which should be in
> /horde/lib/Date.php, but that module is not available.

This is the PEAR Date library that is missing in your installation, do:
  pear install Date

On this note anyone have any thoughts about including the Date.php in the
test.php check for horde?

> And one more question: If this would be fixed, would i automatically see the
> ads
> i setup in the campaigns on the CMS website?

quickest way, add this line to your giapeto template (or from where you want to
call the midas scripts)
  <script language="Javascript" src="/midas/adjs.php"></script>

i'll try to get the docs a bit updated later...

please use the lists (http://lists.horde.org)


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