[mimp]mimp registries

Ibarra, Michael m.ibarra at cdcixis-na.com
Wed Dec 18 14:27:51 PST 2002

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Rostetter [mailto:eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 2:28 PM
To: Ibarra, Michael
Cc: mimp@lists.horde.org
Subject: RE: [mimp]mimp registries

Quoting "Ibarra, Michael" <m.ibarra@cdcixis-na.com>:

> One more thing, I now have to log in twice, perhaps an entry for mimp
> horde/config/conf.php as well? For this one, I am lost :)

Check the list archives.  Chuck posted the solution to this about a week
ago.  Interesting code to use a "composite" authentication.

Yes, saw that, and it is why I stated that I was lost there :) I'll
give his suggestion a shot, but is there any reason why such a fine
addon would not get put into HEAD?

Thanks Eric,


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