[mimp] MIMP without IMP authentification

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Tue Apr 8 12:37:28 PDT 2003

Quoting Dr Patrick Atlas <patrick.atlas at mg-france.fr>:

> As I didn't find any archives for this list, here is my question:


> I tried to connect directly to the mimp module using
> domain.com/horde/mimp address but it still asks for IMP authentification
> (basic horde authentification on my system). What is the way to connect to
> the mimp application with wap (failed till now)?

$conf['auth']['driver'] = 'composite';
$conf['auth']['params'] = array(
    'drivers' => array('imp' => array('driver' => 'application',
                                      'params' => array('app' => 'imp')),
                       'mimp' => array('driver' => 'application',
                                       'params' => array('app' => 'mimp'))),
    'loginscreen_switch' => '_horde_select_loginscreen'

if (!function_exists('_horde_select_loginscreen')) {
    function _horde_select_loginscreen()
        require_once HORDE_BASE . '/lib/Browser.php';
        $browser = &new Browser();
        if ($browser->isMobile()) {
            return 'mimp';
        return 'imp';


p.s. authentification is not a word.

Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
"... It is not more light we need, but more warmth! We die of cold, not of
darkness. It is not the night that kills, but the frost." - Miguel de

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