[mimp] Re: How Do I add to the MIMPHowTo wiki?

Rune Maagensen rune at maagensen.com
Fri Jan 14 02:39:10 PST 2005

> This *is* from the wiki's MIMPHowTo.
I wasn't clear enough I see. I'd like to add the following line that 
isn't in the howto now:

In horde/config/conf.php find $conf['auth']['driver'] = 'application'; 
and change to $conf['auth']['driver'] = 'composite';

I put the entire howto just to show how the syntax could be.

The problem with the howto as is, is that it looks really simple:

just add this,

when you actually have to:

read this page on composote and understand it and then do the stuff it 
says, then add this.

I'd like it to be:

change this, add that, read this if it doesn't work.

Thanks for at great program.


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