[mimp] Problem with Nokia 6230

Swetal Jariwala swetmaster at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 16 00:40:57 PST 2006

Hi Chuck,

No, it doesn't seem related.  I don't even see the Menu on my phone.  But on 
a normal browser I do see the Menu.  Here is what comes on the phone:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
"http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/wml_1.1.xml"><wml><card id="m" title="Inbox | 
41 to 45 of 45"><do type="options" label="Menu"><go 
<tr><td>+</td><td>Tiffany M....</td><td><a 
href="/horde/mimp/message.php?index=72968">****SPAM**** Howdy you. How would 
you like to be the one I come too late at night?...</a></td></tr>
<tr><td>+N</td><td>Stephenie Espinoza...</td><td><a 
href="/horde/mimp/message.php?index=72969">****SPAM**** Viagra - Just do 
her! :-)...</a></td></tr>
<tr><td>+N</td><td>Hoodia Weight Control...</td><td><a 
href="/horde/mimp/message.php?index=72970">Natural Appetite Suppressant. 
Praised on 60 Minutes and 20/20....</a></td></tr>

Here is the problem below.  This card does not even display on the phone but 
on a broswer it comes fine.

<card id="o" title="Menu"><p><a 
href="/horde/mimp/mailbox.php?page=1">First Page</a><br/><a 
href="/horde/mimp/mailbox.php?page=8">Previous Page</a><br/><a 
href="/horde/mimp/login.php?logout_reason=logout">Log out</a><br/></p>

But if I put this exact code into a html file on the server and point my 
phone to it then the Menu portion does appear on the phone.  Strange... 
Thanks for the help!


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Chuck Hagenbuch" <chuck at horde.org>
To: <mimp at lists.horde.org>
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2006 8:12 PM
Subject: Re: [mimp] Problem with Nokia 6230

> Quoting Swetal Jariwala <swetmaster at hotmail.com>:
>> I have MIMP installed and almost fully working.  I see my mail
>> on my phone but the 2nd <card> tag doesn't
>> display!  This is the menu card.  If I copy the WML
>> into a static file, test.html, and point my phone to
>> that then the card tag displays fines.  But with the
>> dynamic php generated WML it doesn't display.  Anybody
>> know how to fix this?  Thanks.
> Does this look related to http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=3476 ? What
> happens if you access MIMP (explicitly) through a regular browser?
> -chuck
> -- 
> "So we're talking near-sonic speeds for a vegetable."
> Reasons to go to the Punkin Chunkin World Championships
> -- 
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