[mnemo] Some problems with notes ...

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Fri Nov 8 17:01:39 2002

Quoting "Marc G. Fournier" <scrappy@hub.org>:

> 1. "Modify Note" behaves unexpectedly - although modifying a *modified*
>    note just overwrites the previous one, modifying an original note does
>    not (i.e. we end up with two: the original and the modification).

Not sure on this one. What do you mean by modified and original?

> 2. Options/Notepads/Create doesn't seem to actually create any notepads,
>    although the process seems to be successful

Do you have categories set up in horde/config/conf.php? If you're not using
SQL, they won't persist, showing the behavior you're seeing.

> 3. Options/Category Management: If you set a category's color, and then
>    select "rename" to rename it, it cancels out that color setting (and
>    any others set since the last save).

Fixed in CVS.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"People ask me all the time what it will be like living without otters."
 - Google, thanks to Harpers

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